Technology audits are an essential step in keeping your organization secure and functional. A full-stack audit looks at all of your systems (network, phone, security, data center, wireless and more) and identifies problems and vulnerabilities.

We’ve broken down the six basic steps you need to take when conducting a technology audit.

1 Run a Network Security Sweep

Sweep your entire network (and any device connected to it) for security risks like malware and bots. Evaluate your firewalls and test your security software to ensure that both are functioning properly.

Don’t forget about physical systems—if you have an on-premises data center, make sure physical security is in place to prevent compromise from the outside. Check that your servers are properly mounted, cooled and powered.


2 Check for Outdated Software

Create a list of every piece of software used in your organization. Review their purchase receipts and license agreements. Avoid running older versions of software. Keeping your software updated can prevent hackers from exploiting bugs.


3 Back-Up Your Back-Ups

You never know when an incident or natural disaster will occur. Make sure your backups are stored in another location to prevent total data loss in the event of a fire or other disaster. In the event of an incident where you had to rely on your backups, would you be able to access them quickly and easily? Check to make sure your backups are safe and simple to use.


4 Audit the Hardware

Software is out of the way – now time to focus on hardware. It’s important to ensure your hardware is up and running properly; hardware failures cost businesses more than 127 million person-hours per year. Create a log of all equipment, the date you purchased it and a copy of the receipt. This will help you when you need to cash in on a warranty.


5 Manage Your Docs

Document management can be a tough sell in departments that are still clinging to paper copies post-Y2K, but electronic systems can save your company money (and storage space). This may be the hardest part of your audit. Transferring to electronic document management can sometimes mean changing email systems or company procedures. An MSP or external auditor could help with this changeover.


6 Create A Game Plan

Audits can only uncover problems. Without a game plan to back it up, you won’t be able to focus on solutions. Make sure you understand your organization’s bottom-line and business goals. Then, create a written five-year strategic plan. It’s important to keep it documented for visibility.

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Not every team has the capacity to conduct a thorough technology audit on their own. That’s where PCS steps in. Our certified engineers can conduct a full-stack audit of your technology and provide a detailed 25-page report containing recommendations for all the problems we discovered.

Unlock a team player with expert auditing skills. Book a discovery call with us today.